Archived Design Notes

Artix vs Nulgath?

Posted by Artix on

An OverSoul video released!

Thank you to all of the players who have been linking me to this video which was posted on the OverSoul homepage. Is that... the Blinding Light of Destiny? It has been a while since we have heard anything from EbilCorp and their nefarious leader Chairman Platinum. But Nulgath's new game certainly seems to be making progress. If you guys find out anything else, please let me know!

AdventureQuest 3D Update

This morning, the team laid out a week-by-week plan to get to Beta. It is going to be a long and perilous road with MANY, MANY, MANY alpha tests in between. More on this coming tomorrow! In the meantime, I am making a giant list of all "Awesome Things."  (Examples: Dragons, Vampires, Time Travel, Undead, Cyborgs, etc.) Think movie themes, iconic monsters, and things that make you go "cooool!" Do you have anything to add? Post me AWESOME THINGS to add to the list on my Artix Twitter!