Archived Design Notes

Word of the Day – Mocap!

Posted by Yergen on

Today we tried out motion capture software to see if we could streamline our animation process. Thyton was the motion model and it was quite a bit of fun watching him jump around and play fight. Once we plugged it into the model – oh, did I forget to say that he was doing this for the FEMALE MODEL. HA hahahahaha! *wipes tear from eye* Anyhoo – Once it was “plugged in” to the model the test was pretty successful. It really captured his movements. The body, and legs were pretty much spot on. The arms needed some work, and we are going to try to add another camera to get a more finely tuned capture. Imagine if we put Artix in front of the mocap camera?? Well, that’s it from me today… no new concepts today, but I’m pretty sure I’ll have some on Wednesday. Yergen out!