Archived Design Notes

The Sword Gem

Posted by Artix on

"Would a SwordGem of any other name not slice as sweet?"

For the past week we have been talking about our first Omni-Game. It is a fun and addictive fantasy puzzle game which will play on your phone, tablet, web browser, toaster, and more. It does not have a name yet... but it does have shiny gems including the Sword Gem pictured above. What would surprise you, is the insane history of how that gem came to be. It started as a hastefully drawn circle I made when showing the team the game board. But it needed an icon to be more easily itentifiable as a sword attack gem. So Samba drew the sword icon. Then she penciled some various shapes around it. Meanwhile, Jemini created a bunch of shiny orbs. She was out of the lab, so based on a screenshot of her orbs, Cysero re-created them. Yergen then took the shiny orbs and started modifying them to match the colors of the game board. He thought making each playing piece in a different shape would really help players with color blindness. So he crafted a dozen different shape concepts until we all finally agreed on this hexagon crystal shape for the sword gem. He gave the other gems their own shapes. This was important, because until this moment they were all orbs... now the game pieces are gems. Possibly changing the name of the game. (If we had one. Which we do not.) Finally, Draven took Yergen's gems (which were created in Flash) and recreated them in Photoshop as you can see in the image above. So when you finally get to play this game... run your finger along the Sword Gems to launch your devastating attack, you will be one of the few who knows all the love and effort that went into creating it. We love you little Sword Gem. Now... ATTACK!