Archived Design Notes

Mobile User Interface Design

Posted by Artix on
UI (User Interface) design "meet & sketch" for the single-player version of AdventureQuest Mobile! Designing things to fit phone + tablet + web screens is a lot trickier than it looks. Not only because the resolutions and aspect ratios are different from device to device... but also because you use your finger (or thumbs) for one and your mouse for the other. We spend a lot of time holding an imaginary game in the air saying things like "you know... if I am using my thumbs to play, I prefer attacking with my right hand thumb." 
In the sketches you can see my (SUPER ULTRA AMAZING) scribbles... and how Cysero is able to turn it into something beautiful and functional. Look at the right most doodle then scroll back up and look at the picture of BattleOn-- yup, that is all Cysero had to go on! As an added bonus everything looks amazing on J6's wicked awesome backgrounds. Oh! And in the sketch above... to the left you will see a preview of "WEAPON FUSION". This allows you to combine two weapons.. you choose which parts of each weapon to keep (Art, Stats, Proc).. and them fuse them to get a new weapon. This is how it will be possible to "level up" a weapon and make it more powerful in this game.
"RAWR" Sometimes I look at this killer artwork and think, "We should just release the game in doodle version!"

P.S. Meanwhile, in another room in the Lab, DRAGONS is rocking along nicely... will post you an update with the newest painted art next week!

QUESTION: What do you think of the "WEAPON FUSION" idea? Is this something you would like to see in other games as well?