Design Notes
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Winning Monster - 3D & Animated posted by Artix on

Acevorah (3D Monster, in Flash)

Miguel Mendes is the winner of the 1st AQ3D monster design contests with his entry, the Acevorah. The team modeled and animated his monsterous creation. Give it a little bit to load, then use keys 0 through 8 to trigger animations. To change the camera angle, click and drag. Below is the original monster entry.


Does the file load? Is it animating in your browser? Let us know if it works and what you think! Comment below. 15% chance I will see your Twitter post... but 100% I will see if you post here.

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AdventureQuest 3D - CLAWG posted by Artix on

3D redesign of an AdventureQuest Monster

With the 10 year anniversary event, OverSoul and our Mogloween releases, we temporarily took the spotlight off of our 3D game project. But during this silence, the AQ3D team has done incredible work and made progress. The biggest news is, as of last Friday, we have a working combat system! It is not ready for you to help test yet -- but as soon as the animation, pathing & colision bugs are fixed we will be re-opening the servers for all of you AlphaKnights (no ETA, but we are going as fast as we can. Promise!) Meanwhile, would you like to see some of the new monsters that have been made? (There are a lot of them!)

AQ3D The Clawg

First up is the Clawg. While AQ3D will take place on a new world with a fresh new plot -- it will feature many monsters based on the lore we have created together. The Clawg is a famous monster from classic AdventureQuest. I drew the original Clawg nearly 10 years ago. 6 weeks ago, Thyton re-envisioned it and created a new concept sketch. Xero took the sketch and turned it into the 3D Clawg. I think this new version of the monster sets the tone for how this game will be. Bigger, more dangerous, more mature.

QUESTION: What other classic AdventureQuest monsters would you like to see re-envisioned for AQ3D: Legend of Lore?


Random Thoughts

  • The Clawg was most famous from when it appeared in the Frostval event as "Santa Clawg"
  • Of all the monsters we have completed, this is one of the few that has not been animated yet.
  • I bet when it walks it will use the arms like a gorrilla. It might even have an attack that uses the feet.
  • Would the Clawg hunt alone or in packs? Seems like a solitary creature.
  • 10g says a Clawg tastes like lobster. We need to add a cooking skill in ASAP.

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AQ3D Monster Contest Winners posted by Yergen on

 Yergen here! There were well over 450 submissions to Legend of LORE’s first ever contest. Each and every submission was awesome in its own right. The monsters ranged from cute, silly, gross, to downright frightening. Oddly enough I didn’t see any monsters that shot lightning out of their butts. Anyhoo - The battle was tough, so tough in fact that we extended the deadline to let a few more monsters get in. In the end, however, a winner (or shall I say - winners) has emerged. What better way to celebrate a 10 year anniversary, than with winners! Here is how it all breaks down:

Monster Design Contest

Gargantuan Grand Prize Winner!

The winner’s monster will be “Thytonized,” 3D modeled by Xero, painted and animated by the 3D team and will be put in one of the first playable maps in Legend of LORE. The winner will get a print of the monster, signed by the entire Legend of LORE team, and 4000 Artix Points.

And the winner is...... Acevorah: by Vypie



Rightful Runner Up

The runner up will get a limited edition black variant Artix or Sepulchure figure, or a signed poster of your choice. (You may only choose one of the previous items.) And 4000 Artix Points.

And the runner up is...... Cappy the Guardian in a Box: by Jaikon

 guardian in a box

Terrific Team Favorites

All submissions below will receive 2000 Artix Points.

Miho: by Col3ra


LORE Ghost: by Callado123

LORE Ghost

Steampunk Scorpion: by Ergotth

Steampunk Scorpion
Snakephant: by Gossj1000

Oblivion Diwata: by JuanKunai

Oblivion Diwata
Greenmist Guardian: by Kantro

Zeitgeist: by LordKaho

Monsturtle: by Monster AE

M.A.M.A.: by Nitramier


Eye Durr: by RedKutai


Rune Calibur Knight: by shock_troop

Rune Calibur Knight

Nagmaul: by Wion

Serpiend: by Zined

Talonius: by Draconerix


Awesome Art

General Esrow: by FlameXero

General Esrow

Advare: by Heartdragon


ToxicLeechDragon: by Boxdragon

Toxic Leech Dragon

We Didn’t Expect THAT!

2000 Artix Points.

Aracat: by Amymist

Eldritch Beast: by Pygar 2

Sarian: by Ryumin

Pwnicorn: by Karpousi


Craziest Creations

2000 Artix Points.

Orncoia: by Therril Oreb


Arachnida monster was disqualified.

Dr. Q: by Darth Necroktus


Cutest Creatures

2000 Artix Points.

Chuppa: by Ammarnight7

Jarkel: by Ownzer

Screttly: by Sorro Asjurai

The Squoat: by iSwim

Thintle: by Animalking


Delectable Descriptions

2000 Artix Points.

Serpent Dragon Like Thing: by Akikane

Ars Custos: by Crepusculum


So many amazing submissions! You all are amazing, and talented, and wonderful. Keep up the good work, and we’ll see you in the Legend of LORE! Yergen OUT!

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AQ3D: Legend of LORE Video posted by Yergen on

Yergen here! How is everyone doing? I have something special for everyone. It’s the internet premiere of the AdventureQuest 3D: Legends of LORE trailer!

But first -

The flythrough trailer premiered at DragonCon at the end of our now infamous panel. My guess is there was no panel that was even near as loud as our panel. AE fans are the best! The trailer was a perfect end to an amazing panel.

While we were working our butts  off to make get this game ready, I knew DragonCon was on the horizon. Our work was looking so amazing (especially for a browser-based game) that I wanted to do something that really showed off what we can, and have, done. I had the idea of a flythrough of sorts, showing off some amazing environments and hinting at things to come. I figured we could come up with 4-5 cool environments to fly through. We had finished Ravenspire and had the Skulldoor Dungeon. But we needed 3 more, so Geopetal, Thyton, Artix, and I thought chose three new environments that we called the Ice Giant Kingdom, Northpointe, and the Sky Pirates Lair (*note: Location names are subject to change, and probably will). Did I forget to mention that we had a month and a half to finish them? A month and a half!!!  The team dug in their heels and worked like mad to complete the three full environments in the unbelievably short time. It was an impossible task and they did it!  I can't wait to show it to you.

But first -

This video wouldn't be possible if it was not for our amazing team working on it. First off, Zhoom and Minimal have been building this thing from the ground up. They have been (and are still) feverishly working to build a kick-butt engine that will blow all other browser-based MMO’s out of the water. Thyton, being the master of monster making, brings his unique blend of awesomeness, and epicness (“Epawsicness”) to the game and makes some of the most epawsic monsters, armors, and weapons you can imagine. Next, Xero, the dimensional dominator, takes those hand-drawn designs and brings them into the third dimension. He and Thyton are so in tune, it’s scary what they can accomplish... Scary AWESOME! And then Korin takes those newly created 3D models and makes them move. That bag on his head must be used to hold in his talent, and am I glad for that. I suggested he double bag it, to ensure that we don't lose any of his talent. Next is Llussion: Not only does he help in designing most of the landscapes and architectures, but he then turns around and begins building them in 3D. He has really shown how multi-talented he is. Then comes Tamarann. He takes all of our drawings and scribbles and turns them into amazing 3D models. Lately we have given him many challenges of making extremely modular houses and architecture. He accepted the challenges, and created some amazing looking and highly modular pieces, that helped make one house look like twenty. We have begun to borrow Geopetal more and more to have her start building a rich and lush world that will be LORE. She will take her experience and success of creating the world of DragonFable, and add jetpacks, nitrous, and iron armor to it to create a story that will be Epawsic! Lastly we have been lucky enough to borrow Samba. Her amazing animation skills in AQW make her perfect for jumping in and helping out with animating some of our monsters. Now, without further distractions let’s show this video!

But first -

Ha! Just kidding...

I give you the AdventureQuest 3D: Legends of LORE Flythrough Trailer!

NOTE: This was screencapped with FRAPS from a browser! (That is right, this is actual game footage, right in the web browser.) What did you think? Let Artix or Yergen know. We’d love to hear from you.

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