"Meh heh heh.... all too easy." The Zorbak Cabin won the Friday the 13th War in record time. Login to AdventureQuest 3D and get your free winning team backflag while you can.
Be sure to grab the newest update of AdventureQuest 3D (Version 1.10.0 "Grassy Blades of Death") from Steam or the App Store. Read on to see the new features!
Battle for your favorite cabin in this weekend's Friday the 13th War! Beware... someone accidentally opened a cryogenic chamber releasing *message suddenly cut off*
Do you have dreams of having the most majestic beard EVAR? It is now possible to discover the secret of Slifsgaard's beard, and take it to the Barbershop to have it for yourself!
Do you have the potential to become a caretaker of the Dragon's Graveyard? Earn Zakaru's staff through new daily quests that unlock once you have completed the story.
Zakaru returns in the epic finale of the Dragon's Graveyard! Continue your adventure to the top of the tower. Also in this release, we have updated AdventureQuest 3D to Unity 2018!
Build your own character and play with your friends in our expanding fantasy world no matter what device you are on.Search the app store or steam for AdventureQuest 3D.