Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Meeeeeeeerry Frostval, Heroes! We've got a blindingly-brilliant set of gear for all you real-life rare collectors. Find the Northern Warlord pack, the Icestorm Invoker set, the Golden Ruins H…
One of the best parts of our videogame community is seeing heroes helping each other. Chilly is here to help you spread cheer and have the merriest Frostval EVER. Talk to …
It's the darkest time of the year, and that means new Black Friday rewards are here! All heroes can battle monsters in /blackfridaywar for new rewards. For heroes eager to test their might…
From sweet treats to mischievous moglins, Artix’s holiday contests are the perfect chance to showcase your creativity – and win epic prizes, too! It’s time to join the fun and spread seasonal cheer (and maybe some cookies, too).
Meet MISFIT, a thriving AQW guild where players of all levels come together to help, learn, and have fun. With community events, guides, and a mission to lift others up, MISFIT proves that kindness is the ultimate strength!
Tech Demo #6 ran for well over a week non-stop before finally ending.... the future is looking bright for AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity.
Check out this glimmering tribute to wealth, adventure, and anime! Yecguanchuy’s Golden Pirate Ship is a masterpiece of creativity and charm inspired by the Gran Tesoro, the giant golden ship from One Piece. Set sail and uncover its secrets…
Get ready to whisk, bake, and decorate your way to victory! This year’s creative cookie contest allows you to share your confectionary creativity by designing Artix Entertainment-themed desserts. Spread holiday cheer in the sweetest way pos…
Buy at least 2k Artix points or an AP gift certificate for 2k or more AP Unlock digital in-game prizes in AQW, AQ, AQ3D, DF, MQ, and ED
As Frostvale's cold kiss frostbites our cheeks, the AQWorlds Infinity Tech Demo... is did great! Read on as we kick off this month's progress updates.
Our Frostval 2024 gitfting event begins next Friday. Complete Chilly's Gifting Participation quest so your character can give or receive ACs from other heroes once it begins.
Our Black Friday 2024 Collection, featuring a backpack FULL of new Black Friday and Cyber Monday rares, is now available in Battleon! Find over 200 dark variants of your favorite gear in Quibble's shop right now. If you're a collector or ra…
Introducing the Phantom Chronomancer class, the newest addition to AdventureQuest Worlds! Unlock the class, armor set, and character page badge when you get the 2025 Poster calendar. You can pre-order your 2025 Calendar NO…
It's the darkest time of the year, and that means new Black Friday rewards are here! All heroes can battle monsters in /blackfridaywar for new rewards. For heroes eager to test their might…
Do you have a Moglin plushie itching to cause trouble? Or maybe you’ve spotted a sneaky Moglin up to no good in one of our games… or your own fan art?! 👀 Show off your creativity in our Mischievous Moglins Contest, where chaos and cuteness…