Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
This is a huge week in AQ with tons of exciting new updates and features!
AQ's annual Blarney War returns!
The month of evil continues with 5 sinister prizes added to the Golden Giftboxes!
Brave the wilds with the Jr Squires of order and unlock your own Archmage Apprentice Armor!
It is time to thaw out as AdventureQuest is heating up with blazing hot Z-Token bonuses!
Explore strange visions and unlock exclusive high-level gear for your Lost Talon Set!
Today being Valentine's Day and the SnuggleFest season, we have given some much needed love to the Guard and Estate areas of AQ <3
Over 60 new and returning prizes from many of your favorite AE games are now in the Golden Giftboxes!
Our new 8-bit game for the NES is shipping! If you are a backer, please make sure your shipping information is right before Tuesday.
It’s that time of year again when love and camaraderie fill the air!
What better way to start the new year than with massive updates and improvements to AQ!
The first GGBs of 2022 have arrive plus updates to ancient Z-Token equipment!
Check your inventory to see what's inside your Guardian Giftboxes!
Let’s say goodbye to 2021 with a huge haul of gear to help ring in the New Year!
It is time to deliver the Frostval gifts!