Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
The smell of doom surrounds us... the undead must be tragically low on deodorant. Join us for the second daily progress post of the year.
Daily Updates are back. Check back daily for the latest progress updates on AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity for mobile & computers.
It is 2025 and production of AQWorlds Infinity's remastered 13 Lords of Chaos Saga has officially begun. See how the art is being upgraded for this story. Sometimes... less is more.
I hope this message finds you safe and well, no matter where you are in the world.
Hurricane, Black Belt Testing, and Unity particle systems... join us for this week's daily AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity daily updates.
The #1 question we are asked is WHEN is AQWorlds releasing? In this week's daily dev update posts we will attempt to answer that question.... accurately. But you already know it will release when it is "Ready O'Clock."
Ahoy me' matey! We be return'n to our daily update posts on AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity... cry havoc and let loose the dogs of lore!
"Merci is for the week!" Thank you for the feedback on last week's daily AQWorlds Infinity posts. The encore starts now!
"Dear Dire-y.... just wait until you hear what happened today in AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity."
If you want the game to run smoothly.... you gotta smoothly animate the run. Time to talk animation!
3rd time was the charm. Read on for full details...
An experimental test to do the first basic/rough conversion of 16,600 AQWorlds armors is about to take place.
So we are rebuilding a massive game. So, what if... we fixed all of the major story issues that you told us about? We only get one shot.
AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity's 3rd Tech Demo is complete. Success!
After last week's successful tech demo, the team has been hard at work fixing bugs and creating new stuff for the next one. Read on for more.