AdventureQuest 3D
Dungeons & DoomKnights 100%+ Funded
Artix Krieger
| Saturday, June 1, 2019
Official Announcement! A brand new AdventureQuest Game!
Exclusively for 1985 NES (Nintento Entertainment System)
We're taking our "cross-platform" technology to the next level. Get ready for the newest, most cutting edge AdventureQuest yet! This new game will be exclusively for your original, 8-bit, 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System.

High tech cartridge, box, & instruction manual.

Your favorite characters "De-evolved" into 8-Bit Graphics!

Explore the World of Lore as you have never seen it before.... literally.
Quest through a world whose entire file-size is is smaller than a single AdventureQuest 3D boot .

Explore the World of Lore as you have never seen it before.... literally.
Quest through a world whose entire file-size is is smaller than a single AdventureQuest 3D boot .

- You have to blow on the cartridge to make it work
- Not pay to win!
- No internet connection required!
- Weekly releases-- you have to mail in your cartridge for each separate release

The funniest part of this April Fools gag...'s not a joke. We're actually doing it.

No... seriously. We are actually doing this.

Do I look like I'm kidding?
OK, maybe a bit. But I'm not.

Follow us before it's too late!