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Stellar New Gear

Alina | Saturday, May 11, 2024

Stellar Featured Gear Shop Update

Check out the Lunaris and Solaris Sentinel sets and more in your Featured Gear shop this weekend! Rare items in the set will be available until May 31st. 

New rares:

  • Halcyon Scythe, Spear, and Halberd of Virtue
  • Solaris Redeemer armor
  • Masked Solaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Solaris Corona Rune cape
  • Solaris Sunbeam Saber swords 
  • Solaris Double-Sided Khopesh polearms
  • SoLuna Beam Saber swords
  • Solaris Sunbeam Gauntlet
  • Lunaris Redeemer armor
  • Masked Lunaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Lunaris Aura Rune
  • Lunaris Moonbeam Saber swords
  • Lunaris Curved Moonbeam Daggers
  • LunaSol Beam Sabers
  • Lunaris Moonbeam Gauntlet

New seasonal items:

  • Solaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Solaris Redeemer capes 
  • Lunaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Lunaris Redeemer capes

Color-Custom Mother's Day Set:

  • Knight of Roses armor
  • Rise Knight Helm, Mask, and Visage
  • Rose Knight Verdure cape
  • Living Rose Bush animated pet
  • Damask Rose Rapier blades
  • Lisianthus Bloom Bow

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