| Sunday, February 11, 2024
Join us this Sunday at during the SuperBowl half-time show to /punt Twilly, battle the Undead Defender, get new gear, and /cheer for your favorite team as the Bloodtusk Chieftains face off against the Dwarvish Miners! These two teams last faced off against each other back in 2020 and they're squaring off again!
When the Bloodtusk Chieftains* face-off against the Dwarvish Miners, all of Lore goes CRAZY! So, football fans, kick your puntin' foot into high gear tonight, because the /punt map is NOW OPEN!
When: During the Super Bowl half-time show
Who: Chieftains, Miners, the AQW Team & YOU!
Where: Right here... in-game!
What: /Cheer for your favorite team!
Score a field goal AND a rockin' character page badge by punting Twilly across the field and into the end zone!
The half-time shop sports a stock full of returning fan favorites: Chieftains gear, Miners gear, and faction outfits! So grab your pompoms and /cheer for your favorite team! Plus, battle the Undead Defender monster to collect all the Lorebowl House Pennants.