Celebrate Birthdays for Hikari, Axeros, Dominik and more!
We've unleashed a host of gear for you this month, but the INVENTORY OVERLOAD isn't done yet! We've got bright and dark new rewards from Axeros, Hikari, and Dominik -- three of the AQWorlds artists celebrating a birthday in January. Plus, find the Fiendish Arachnomancer set from Ferozakh, crafted in honor of Nulgath the ArchFiend.
New game release
- Hikari's Diabolical Shadow Hunter armor set
- Axeros' Dark Hand Behemoth armor set
- Dominik's Astro Seer + Voyager armor sets
- Ferozakh's tribute: Fiendish + Nation Arachnomancer sets
- Server Boost: Double Rep, XP, Gold, Class Points boosts
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Resource Boost: Essences and Totems of Nulgath
- Saturday: Oblivion Bane Spear from the Archfiend Oblivion in /obliviontundra
- Sunday: 3 Fiendish House Guests from the Archfiend Oblivion in /obliviontundra
Axeros the Dark Hand Assassin's Gifts
Axeros, longtime AQWorlds artist, crafted a new set to help you celebrate his birthday! Battle to unlock his gifts in the /LegionArena, but be advised: his DarkHand Assassin shop can only be unlocked if you get the Soul Keeper Blade from his Worthy of the Blade farming quest.

Dark Hand Behemoth set:
- Dark Hand Behemoth armor
- Dark Hand Behemoth Horns
- Dark Hand Behemoth Morph + Visage
- Dark Hand Behemoth Hood
- Sheathed Dark Hand's Slaughter cape
- Dark Hand Behemoth Cloak + Battle Cloak
- Dark Hand's Slaughter (single + dual-wield)
- Darkblood Ashura (single + dual-wield)
- Dual Dark Hand's Armaments
Hikari the ShadowHunter's Diabolical Gear
This weekend, /join lostvilla and explore until you encounter the dark but generous ShadowSlayer... Hikari! In the real world, Hikari is one of our wicked-talented team artists, creating reward items, monster art, and more for our releases. Complete his Hit List quest to unlock the 13 new items in his Diabolical Shadow Hunter set.

Diabolical Shadow Hunter set:
- Diabolical ShadowHunter armor
- Diabolical Sharpshooter Morph + Visage helms
- Diabolical ShadowHunter Scarf + Kerchief helms
- Diabolical Raven + Respirator Masks
- Diabolical Shadowhunter Muffler
- Ornate Diabolical Wings
- Diabolical Burial Spade
- Diabolical Coffin (single + dual-wield)
- Diabolical Gatling Gun
Dominik the Astro Seer's Gifts
Dominik is a rising star... literally! He's been crafting in-game items for several years now, and he's got a crisp, clean set of casual gear to help you /relax in after battle. If you've completed the event story in the /Extinction map, you'll see his NPC appear. Complete his quest to unlock his Astro Seer gear, or check out the color-custom items in his Astro Voyager AC shop. 
Quest Rewards
- Astro Seer armor
- Astro Seer Flame Morph + Visage helms
- Astro Seer Morph + Visage helms
- Stellar Quasar Gauntlet
Astro Voyager Color-Custom AC Shop
- Astro Voyager armor
- Astro Voyager Hair + Locks
- Astro Voyager Flame Morph + Visage helms
- Astro Voyager Morph + Visage helms
- Stellar Quasar Gauntlet
Ferozakh's Tribute: Fiendish Arachnomancers
Ferozakh, long-time community artist, has been inspired for years by Nulgath the ArchFiend's art... both the gear and the monsters. He's crafted a set based on one of AQWorlds' earliest enemies: Abaddon the DreadSpider. Battle the DreadSpider in the /marsh or Abaddon in /twilight to collect a host of wicked new spider-themed rewards. Merge select items into even higher-tier versions of the gear in Nulgath's Diamond Merge Shop.

DreadSpider Drops in /Marsh:
- Nation Arachnomancer armor
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Hair + Locks helms
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Abdomen + Tail capes
- Arachnid Voracity of Nulgath sword
- Fiendish Aranchnomancer's Sickles daggers
- Arachnomancer's Horseshoe Defender daggers
- Fiendish Arachnomancer's Dorsal Whip
Abaddon Drops in /Twilight:
- Nation Arachnomancer armor
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Parasite + Minion helms
- Fiendish Arachnomancer's Tick Ghilly cape
- Arachnid Voracities of Nulgath daggers
- Fiendish Arachnomancer's Claws gauntlet
- Fiendish Arachnomancer's Dorsal Whips
Nulgath's Diamond Merge Shop Gear:
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Armor
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Mask
- Arachnid Gestalt Cloak of Nulgath
- Balor's Hunger Blade (single + dual-wield)
- ArchFiend Arachnomancer's Claymore (single + dual-wield)
- Fiendish Arachnomancer's Whip (single + dual-wield)
- Item drops from Abaddon in the member-only Twilight map are not member-tagged.
- A rare color-custom version of the set items are available in Nulgath's Winter Void Collection Chest.
Event Reminders
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!

- Saturday, February 1st: February seasonal set returns on Garek in Battleon
- Friday, February 7th: All our New Year's events, map, and rewards leave
- Friday, February 14th: Honorable Hero 2024 rewards go out. Much <3 to all you honorable heroes!
- Friday, February 21st: Nulgath's Winter Void Birthday Shop and Collection leave
PS: the missing House Items for the Frostval 2024 Gifting Reward Tiers 4 and 5 were added this weekend, as well.
Follow us before it's too late!