| Friday, August 4, 2023
Starting tonight, gear up for a month of new story updates, breaking the rules, wicked rewards, and schooling the fools that threaten your friends, family, and home. Log in now and /join augusthub to find all our August events. Plus, take on this weekend's newest boss in /wentira as our Indonesian Celebration begins, then head back to school in the /extracredit map!
New game release:
This Weekend's Daily Gifts & Boosts:
This weekend, we return to Nusantara, Lore's land of emerald islands and 1,000 temples. The area and adventures are inspired by the real-life country of Indonesia. Each year, members of our team and larger artist community come together to craft new items and adventures to help honor our Indonesian heroes.
Our newest adventure takes place in the royal city of Wentira, a paradise made of gold and only visible to those who deemed worthy. Demonstrate your worth to Prince Agung Palakka; he needs your aid to expel a corrupted former royal guard turned evil magician.
Indonesian Celebration Zones:
Wentiran Merge Shop
Complete the farming quest and slay monsters to ollect Wentiran Seals, Broken Tusks, Gold Nuggets, and Ancient Bones.
Keep them to craft:
Royan Wentiran Gear
Monster Drops
Pesugihan Boar
Kabasaran Waranei
- Dalang Sinden: Requires level 75. Deals 25% more damage to all monsters when equipped.
- Living Kala Helmet: Requires level 75. Gives 30% More XP, Class Points, Gold, and Rep when equipped.
Batara Kala battle tips:tacks
- He heals for a lot, can you do anything about it?
- The longer you fight him, the hungrier he gets.
- His powerful Club Smash shreds your defenses, be prepared!
We have a vast number of dedicated and passionate Indonesian heroes in our videogame community. To help you celebrate your Independence Day later this month, many of our team members (and players) joined forces to help create this year's event for everyone. As you battle through the event, know that Artix, the AdventureQuest Worlds team, and I wish you and your family peace, joy, and love. At a time when there is so much darkness in our world, we strive to help spread light and happiness to as many people as possible... and hope you'll join us in doing the same.**
* Only one Kala Insignia one can be earned per day, so be sure to collect the full set before the event leaves for the year on September 1st.
** For our Indonesian heroes, read a translated version of the above here, courtesy of AQW mod Attar.
Log in this weekend and prepare to level up! LoreMaster Maya's offering you bonus training time in the /extracredit map as heroes across Lore prepare for their next academic adventures. Battle bullies, smash distractions, and reap the rewards!
/join extracredit now to:
Complete Maya's lessons in the seasonal /extracredit map to collect merge resources to make gear that will help you rule the halls and conquer ANY challenges. Plus, find her Back to School shop with items for ACs and gold. (Four candy canes for YOU if you find all our Mean Girls references)
Gear Shop:
Merge Shop:
Extra Credit Drops:
We're also celebrating #Singapore's National Day on Monday with a the return of the Formal Batik set in the Featured Gear Shop and the August Seasonal Shop in /augusthub!
The set contains:
These items will be available for AdventureCoins until September 1st, 2023. Then they'll leave game until next August.