| Friday, February 5, 2021
Hey there, heroes!
This week, a new board has appeared at the Arena at the Edge of Time! The Lost Fables board is here, home of entities you may have heard of in DragonFable, but never yet encountered yourself.
To start things off, we have Yalla, the Arch-Druid, who attempted to conquer Greenguard while you were frozen, and Braytes San, the Heretic of Lhe'Shyiac, who was prevented from crashing the sun into Lore by Uaanta and her allies!
Defeat them both to earn and upgrade Yalla's Jade Cleaver, and if you're lucky (or beat the duo challenge 10 times), you can earn Braytes San's Globus Lux cosmetic weapon!
If you think you have what it takes, click on the dark rift over Falconreach and enter the Inn at the Edge of Time!
Also this week, October's Dragon Coin specials, made by Dracelix, are here! The Bloodfarer gear is color-custom and fashionable, fitting of an ancient sect of vampires.
If you're interested, make sure to pick up the helm and cape before they leave at the start of next month!
Finally, the official announcement of a feature that was introduced earlier this week, on Wednesday!
If you've got big stacks of items or resources in your inventory, you can now sell as many as you want in one go. For example, if you have 1000 Bronze Ninja Medals burning a hole in your pocket, you no longer have to sell them one at a time.
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