| Thursday, September 24, 2020
Hey there, heroes!
It's been an amazing year full of awesome releases, devious challenges, and crazy story beats! What was your favorite release this year? Let us know on Twitter or the forums! We'd love to hear from you.
But now, it's time for the final release of 2019! This is the beginning of a massive Reimagined project that seeks to streamline and rewrite DragonFable's main story (up to a point). Targetted areas of the story include Book 3, up until The Tournament of Champions, the beginning of Book 1, up until the Dragon Egg Saga (and a little bit afterward too), and some of Book 2.
This rewrite and reimagining will aim to make playing through the story flow much more naturally, as well as more consistent. NPCs in towns and quests will be reworked to direct players more along the path of the main story.
This week, we've reimagined the Book 3 introduction: A Hero is Thawed!
The quest "A Hero is Thawed" has been rewritten to make sense and hopefully feel less arbitrary to new players.
Following the introduction, Maya in Book 3 Oaklore has had her dialogue and options reworked. Excessive and unnecessary buttons have been removed, and she now has a branching dialogue tree for new players that explains the current state of the Kingdom of Greenguard, and what is going on in the world after the Hero was frozen. Returning or veteran players can access this dialogue by clicking the "Do I... know you?" button.
The (spoilers) ambush in the woods has been reworked and rewritten to a) make sense, b), be more consistent, and c), not softlock you if you lose the fight.
These changes should help the world feel more consistent and less... nonsensical... for new players, as well as streamlining Book 3's start with clear directions.
This week, the maximum number of inventory and bank slots available for purchase has increased!
You can now get a maximum of 200 Bag Slots and 100 Bank Slots. The new slots are available for 500 Dragon Coins each.
Also this week, a bunch of trinkets skills have been fixed/adjusted.
Finally, the Frostval Storybook will be leaving the Book of Lore with next week's release. The Winter's Harbingers DC item shop will also be leaving with next week's release. AND The Maluerous: Remthalas war will stop dropping Defender Medals next week! Make sure to get your Defender Medals and seasonal goodies while you can!
And that's all for this week! Thank you all for an amazing 2019, and see you next year! Let's make it even better yet!
Have theories about the story? Feedback about recent releases? Want to talk about your favorite releases of 2019? Want to discuss all things DragonFable?
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