Hey there, heroes!
This week, the Fear Engine saga's epilogue has arrived!

Following the Fear Engine's meltdown, you've managed to help the wounded Sirius get safely to shore... but there's no sign of Kassandra. As the wounded Sirius considers his future, it's up to you to dive down to the wreckage of the ship in search of Kassandra...
Head over to Sirius in Book 3 Falconreach to play the Fear Engine Epilogue: Overcome!
Also this week, new cosmetic items have arrived!

The Astravian Stargazer Vizard and Cape are now available for 300 Dragon Coins from the DC cosmetics shop!
Also this week, some SoulWeaver fixes and adjustments!
- Soul Claws will now become visible in combat if they were previously hidden.
- Soul Lock no longer occasionally uses the wrong shoulder customization.
- DeltaStar customized arms now uses the correct art for Sealing Slash.
- Unleash SoulSynch (all versions) now uses Book 3 Aegis art if Master SoulWeaver is unlocked.
- An issue wihere using Unleash SoulSynch would not use the correct skin color has been resolved.
- SoulSynch's cooldown will now properly update in its tooltip.
SoulWeaver's numbers and effects have also been adjusted. After looking at feedback, it seems SoulWeaver was a bit overtuned in all respects. That said, SoulWeaver's offenses are being reduced slightly, while the classe's massive defensive capabilities are being hit harder. Numbers have been shifted around to accomodate for these changes, but it is still overall a significant nerf.
- Soul Pierce Cutter and Valor Impact Cross base damage totals have been increased to 300%, up from 240%.
- Piercing Impact DoT damage increased to 50%, up from 40%.
- Sealing Slash base damage increased to 320%, up from 300%.
- Sealing Slash (Pierce) duration reduced to 6, down from 8.
- Sealing Slash (Impact) has had its effect changed.
- Now reduces target's All resistance by 20, down from 25.
- Now increases target's Health resistance by 40 (net +20), and no longer reduces target's Bonus/Crit.
- Concentration's MP recovery increased to +15%/+25%, up from +10%/+20%.
- Full Synchronization's MP cost has been increased to 80, up from 30.
- Master: No longer provides +20 Crit.
- Full Synchronization's cooldown has been increased to 3, up from 2 (time before Unleash is available).
- Unleash SoulSynch base damage reduced to 20+20X base damage per hit, down from 40+20X, where X is the number of turns Synchronized.
- Soul Annihilation cooldown increased to 7, up from 6.
- Soul Tear's -Bonus debuff increased to -60, up from -10.
- Master's Soul Tear's -Bonus debuff increased to -80/-120, up from -40/-100.
- A successful Soul Annihilation will now use the execute threshold for damage, rather than the monster's current HP.
- Soul Purge cooldown increased to 8, up from 7.
- Soul Purge Damage Reduction reduced to 40%/50%, down from 50%/65%.
- Soul Burst -Boost debuff reduced to -15%/-25%, down from -25%/-35%, All resistance debuff reduced to -5/-10, down from -10/-15.
- Soul Drain -Boost debuff reduced to -40/-60, down from -50/-70.
As always, we'll keep an eye on feedback and how the class performs in case any further adjustments may be required.
There have also been some other bug fixes and adjustments!
- Now, if changing gear would reduce your maximum HP or MP, using a skill will now use the reduced maximum HP/MP values before deducting HP/MP costs. In other words, you can no longer enter fights with high WIS equipment to use skill for no cost.
- Chaosweaver's Obliterate will now use its execute threshold for damage, rather than the monster's current HP.
- Fixed a bug where selling items after using the search function could cause the game to crash.
- Anything else I may have forgotten!
And that's all for this week! Book 4 planning is proceeding well! With any luck, we should be able to have more to share soon!
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