| Friday, November 19, 2021
What time is it? It’s EpicDuel Gifting time again! This year, Gifting will officially go online Friday December 3rd and last until Friday January 7th, 2022! In preparation of this major event, which is by far the highlight of every EpicDuel year, we'll be launching a new Mega-Pack and buffing the value of the current 10,000 AP Varium packs!
Today, Friday November 19th, we'll be launching a massive mega-pack of 40,000 Varium for 20,000 Artix Points. This package will be available after a brief update. Those who purchase this pack will also be awarded a one-time Legendary Epic Supporter 2021 achievement! This is an incredible value, but it will only be around for a limited time: the promotion will officially end when gifting begins on December 3th!
Today, we’re also boosting the Varium included in the weapon pack from 10,000 to 15,000 and the pure Varium pack from 12,000 to 18,000! These packages will award the Epic Supporter 2021 achievement which will evolve if the packs are purchased multiple times! The 40,000 Varium pack will also count towards the Epic Supporter 2021 achievement. If you purchased a 10,000 AP package on Friday November 19th before the update took effect, you will be awarded the appropriate achievement plus the difference in Varium.
It’s nearly time for EpicDuel Gifting! After all these years it’s still the most anticipated EpicDuel event, and it’s not even close. If you’ve participated in past Gifting events, or if this is your first time experiencing one, it’s important that you pay careful attention to this year’s rules and rewards because they’ve changed a bit, especially if you’re aiming to land a position on the leaderboard.
Like last year, we’ll be offering each of the top 15 Gifters a unique prize! Winners may request any items within the guidelines below and receive a version of the item with their name associated (i.e. Nightwraith’s Delta Knight), however the restrictions have been tightened this time around. These changes were made because the workload of prize fulfillment escalated year-over-year to such an extent that it’s unsustainable to continue the scope-creep of custom items that have been drastically altered from their original designs.
Also, this year’s gifting event will be the FINAL EpicDuel Gifting event so we’re pulling out all the stops on content, rewards, balance, bosses and more to make this event one to remember!
Please review the following revised rules regarding prizes so there are no disappointments or surprises by the end:
*Founder Armor Exception: Only the first place gifter may request Founder Armor, however, if you have a Founder Achievement from the Founder phase of EpicDuel, but no Founder Armor, you may ask for Founder Armor. Also, winners who achieve a gifting score higher than 1,000,000 gifts will be eligible for Founder. Any perceived attempts to bypass this rule with loopholes will be denied.
Like last year, the top 15 Gifters will have the option to distribute their extra Secret and Silver Secret packages to friends of their choice! This distribution must happen before the packages open so they can't be held in limbo indefinitely. Winners will have until January 14th to decide on their Secret and Silver Secret package distribution
Hopefully this list will help you make your decision easier without being too restrictive. We'll work with the winners to make sure their wishes are fulfilled to their satisfaction within the parameters established above. If any winner is found to have cheated, they will not be eligible for a wish and will have their account disabled.