House Guard and Estates Updates

AdventureQuest AdventureQuest

House Guard and Estates Updates

Hollow | Monday, February 14, 2022

House Guard and Estates Updates:

To check out these updates there is a Secret Testing zone that is temporarily live that players can send their armies to. A HUGE thank you again to Spider and Adam1a1 for their coding and UI wizardry!

  • Added levels 13, 14 and 15 to Trade Hut Estate Resource Building with the following extra resource trading:
  1. Lvl 13 - x2 trade
  2. Lvl 14 - x3 trade
  3. Lvl 15 - x5 trade
  • Added a new Exhaust Army feature that allows players to send armies until they run out of resources.
  • New buttons to better indicate moving up and down floors on Estate Grounds.
  • Added additional button so players can cycle back and forward through their available buildings to place.
  • Added room to display all of the player's House Guards.
  • Added Drag and Drop sorting to the House Guard UI.

Keep an eye on the Design Notes this week as we also have a list of bugs to squash!

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