| Friday, February 5, 2021
Login now and begin an all-new, out of this world adventure! On a planet far, far away... your quest to help Memet the Scruffy-Looking Nightmare Herder begins as we start our May event line-off with a BLAST(er). She owes intergalactic crime lord Zorba the Bakk, and if she's going to pay him back, she needs YOUR help. Find new bosses, rewards, and more this weekend!
Head to /zorbaspalace to begin your quests.
And don't miss tonight's newest daily login gift: the ZB8 house item! Battle Zorba the Bakk the /zorbaspalace map for a chance to get the ZB8 House Item. Equip it to unlock an EXTRA map, boss fight + drops! Log in each day for a new reward, boost, or other gift during our Daily Gift series.
Here at the Secret Underground Lab, we are all game developers but also HUGE nerds, and I have to say... these ARE the Mog Wars-themed items you're looking for! Head in game now and find the seasonal May 4th (sci-fi/space-themed) gear in your game menu under the Featured Shops tab!
Plus, find an entirely NEW merge shop full of space combat-ready items.
The Mawa's Stand Merge Shop includes:
Well... it's not, really. Unless you're a particular breed of nerd. Which we are (and we know so many of you proudly call yourselves). As the Intergalactic Space Wiki (run by wookies, of course) tells us:
"May 4 is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans to celebrate the franchise's films series, books, and culture as well as strict religious rituals.[3] The date was chosen for the easy pun on the catchphrase "May the Force be with you" — "May the fourth be with you". Even though the holiday was not actually created or declared by Lucasfilm many Star Wars fans across the world choose to celebrate the holiday."