| Friday, October 6, 2023
Cauldron Sister’s Candy Catastrophe
Welcome to a world where the spooky and the spectacular collide! Enter Croft and meet the Cauldron Sisters who have concocted a spellbinding scheme to transform your Mogloween into an unforgettable adventure.
In a break from tradition, the Cauldron Sisters have forsaken the age-old tradition of Trick-or-Treating; instead, they've brewed up a game-changing plan: deliver candy directly to your doorstep! But, much like braided moglinberry candy, this enchanting change comes with a twist...
Meet Mimi, a girl entrusted with supernatural tasks, working tirelessly to ensure that your candy reaches you safely. However, her ceaseless efforts have pushed her to the brink of exhaustion, and the Cauldron Sisters found themselves in need of an extraordinary solution.
Cue Zorbak, the legendary conjurer of darkness and the most diabolical… and cuddliest... Moglin! The Sisters called upon Zorbak’s supreme powers to summon an entire army of the undead (who love working the graveyard shift, or so we’re told). With their aid, candy delivery was nearly a success — until fate took a mischievous turn.
Mimi, weary from her relentless efforts, stumbled and accidentally knocked Zorbak's staff into Myx! Everybody knows you *never* dunk a necromancer’s staff into a magical talking cauldron… and now, look what’s happened: Zorbak has lost control over his legion of undead minions, and pandemonium has erupted throughout the world!
Now more than ever before, we need a true hero to come forth and become the savior of Mogloween! Call upon your trusty dragon, navigate the fantastical realms of Lore, and battle the uncontrollable undead, for the fate of Mogloween hangs in your hands, Hero!
Mogloween mayhem awaits, and it's time for you to save the day… and save all that candy, too!
Battle on, heroes!
Beleen (who positively loves candy!!) and the DragonFable team
Also this week, October's seasonal item has been added! The Fancy Vampire's Cane!
And that's all for this week! Have fun warring, heroes!
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