| Friday, September 29, 2023
It's been almost a year since we added tiers to certain NPCs, but there were still many left without additional tiers. We've updated the list of tiered NPC achievements to include many more characters for your PvE and rating point needs.
Last update we changed the matchmaking to allow level 39 and 40 NPCs into 2v2 battles to fill matches and expedite the duel queue. This resulted in level 39 and 40 NPCs being added to 1v1 automatches as well. This was expected, but we found a solution to create separate rules for NPCs in 1v1 and 2v2 automatches. The max level for NPCs in 1v1 is 39 and the time for NPC autofill has been extended. Level 40 and above should encounter NPCs rarely if at all in 1v1 automatch.
As the Cosmic Carnage 2 Tournament approaches (official date TBA), we're offering a preview in the form of 12 new styles. Though some can be purchased now, the last four will be prizes exclusive for the top competitors in the tournament!