Retro Nightmare Set

AdventureQuest AdventureQuest

Retro Nightmare Set

Hollow | Saturday, July 22, 2023

Retro Nightmare Set:

Relive the spine-chilling nostalgia with the Retro Nightmare Set - a throwback edition of the legendary gear that haunted the dreams of your enemies. Stop by Yulgar's shop and prepare to awaken your inner champion with another classic from the early days of AQ!


Z-Token Shop - Drop the B-Bomb Spell:

Prepare for a blast of explosive pink power with the legendary B-Bomb Spell, making its explosive debut in the Z-Token shop of AdventureQuest! Unleash a dazzling detonation that engulfs the battlefield in a vibrant burst of pink mayhem, leaving your foes shell-shocked and your adventures bathed in a hue of delightful chaos.

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