AdventureQuest 3D
| Friday, March 8, 2024
Greetings heroes of Lore and minions of the Undead Legion! This week marks a special occasion: it’s Dage the Evil’s birthday 🎉 The Dark Lord has loads of new swag (and ofc lots of Legion gear already in game), so now is the PERFECT time to host a screenshot contest! This Screenshot Saturday showdown invites you to capture the essence of the Dark Lord's presence within the game and… and within our souls 👀
Submit your screenshot(s) in the comments below, and/or on socials using the hashtags
#ScreenshotSaturday, #Dage, and #AQ3D
Woah! Hold your hades horses – before you enter, be sure to read up on the rules!
As always, we reserve the right to award additional prizes! Which brings me to my next point…
I’m serious, folks! This is legitimately a thing. And it’s happening Saturday, March 9! I am running a #NationalBarbieDay screenshot contest for AQWorlds, but hey, why not include Battleon Barbae in AQ3D as well?! If pretty-in-pink is more your color palette (like some ppl i know), then we invite you to show off your Barbie-themed look in AdventureQuest 3D!
Prizes for the #NationalBarbieDay winners are:
Be sure to add the hashtag #NationalBarbieDay in your post so we can see your spectacular style! And be sure to read the AQWorlds contest rules if you want some fantasy fashionista inspiration.
I hear the Undead Legion is just dying to party. So let’s party on and wish Dage the Evil a happy (belated) birthday! And no matter if you're a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer to the realms of Lore, everyone is welcome to participate in this screenshot contest. Unleash your creativity, brave the depths of Dage’s domain, and capture moments that will send shivers down the spines of skeletons and steadfast heroes alike!
Battle on,
Beleen, our judges, the birthday boi Dage ofc, and the AQ3D team
#ScreenshotSaturday, #Dage, and #AQ3D