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Sepulchure's Rise IV

Alina | Friday, June 29, 2018

Love. Loss. And a Darkness that will change the fate of the world... This is Sepulchure the DoomKnight's story. This weekend, log in and battle as Sir Valen through the Ebonslate Fortress dungeon. Complete the quest set by a Mysterious Stranger to destroy Dethrix the Monster King and rescue the woman you love. Time is short, but DOOOOOM is forever.

After you complete this weekend's release, talk to a Mysterious Stranger* to begin farming for this weekend's 0 AC rewards.

  • Undead Guardian armor, helm, and blade
  • Dethrix's Cape
  • Doom Seals and Monster Blood reagents

The Doom Seals and Monster Blood are used to complete A Mysterious Stranger's farming quests. If you have Sepulchure's Undead Blade, you can accept his quests to create new variants of the blade.

If you are a verified Guardian in AQWorlds** then head to the verificiation shop Guardian Tower to get your FREE 0 AC updated Prime Guardian Armor set. We've updated the colors to match more of the gear in-game.

* Not THE Mysterious Stranger, but one of his darkness minions
** You have an upgraded AdventureQuest accounts at

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