AdventureQuest 3D
| Wednesday, July 10, 2024
This week in AdventureQuest 3D players can purchase the Starlight Paladin class skin. Harness the power of Starlight and wield it as a weapon to shatter your foes or a bulwark to protect your allies! The Starlight Paladin class skin can be purchased from Artix in Battleon at in the Shadow of the Wind Village.
The class skin features a star-themed twist on the classic Paladin’s skills and matches the Blinding Starlight of Destiny and this month’s promo item, The Starlight Longsword, perfectly!
This week will also bring additional drops to the Deep Grotto dungeon. All of the bosses within the dungeon now have a chance to drop pieces of the Clawgrah set. This rare set features devastating claws as weapons that will allow you to rip and tear through any of your foes!
We’re also updating the icons of the game and introducing some brand-new ones. Spellforged will have a unique color and gem on their icon to indicate they have a Spellforged effect on them. This will allow players to look at their inventory and know right away which gear has effects and which doesn’t.
We’ve made some changes to Oracle’s cross-skill as it’s kind of the best cross-skill in the game right now and lets you just live through everything. We’ve increased its cooldown and will be monitoring the effects of these changes.
Oracle Class:
Misc Changes
Our July promo item is the Empowered Starlight Longsword! To get this starstruck blade, just purchase any package in the upgrade shop, now with 50% extra Dragon Crystals on select packages. For those that get one of the Guardian upgrade packages, you will also get the Starlight Longsword at no extra cost.
Battle on,
Clarion, Artix, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team