| Thursday, January 6, 2022
The time for Gifting is nearing it's end, but there's still some more action left in EpicDuel's ultimate seasonal event! For those a bit confused at exactly when Gifting ends, it will end at the reset between January 7th and January 8th. This can be confusing based on your time zone, but when it ends, you will see the leaderboard change to a final, fixed display showing the final top 15 winners.
Seasonal rares and Omega Void Trial missions will remain in game for awhile longer to give dedicated collectors ample time to fill their inventories.
After gifting ends, the winners will be contacted via email (based on the email tied to the account) to congratulate them and sort out the details of their wishes. Please allow a few hours for these emails to arrive. Those who score over 1 or 2 million will also receive their achievements and bonus Secret/Silver Secret Packages to distribute as they please! The packages will "open" in a few weeks after they've all been distributed.
Early last year one of EpicDuel's goals was to reward long-time players with weapons to complement their legacy gear. True, there aren't many Alpha supporters still logging in for daily duels, but we're still offering a small boost in the form of a more complete set of rares:
Alpha players will receive the following new weapons to complement the existing set.
The class-specific Alpha weapons have been consolidated into a mutating weapon, complete with a corresponding damage type.
It was tempting to update and remaster the artwork, but since the style of the time represents a great deal of nostalgia for veteran players, the artwork is mostly unchanged.
You're not forgotten Beta players! We're also boosting the inventories of players who have the Beta weapons of old! Holders of these weapons will receive the following weapons:
Beta Cleaver P
Beta Blaster E
Beta Bazooka P
Beta Brutalizer E
The original Beta Brutalizer has been adjusted to do physical damage for all weapon types including the staff. Like the new Alpha weapons, the artwork was mainly unchanged for the inactive states. These changes will not affect the Beta weapons that were originally low-level prior to Omega.
Some popular gifter items from previous winners will be restocked over the next few days! I won't say which or where, but if you know, you know.
Gifting is winding down but Spider is just warming up! Next week we should be ready to introduce new features including gender change, an improved color picker, and inventory stacks for mission items!