| Friday, January 21, 2022
Today the Secret and Silver Secret packages open to shower their owners with an avalanche of icy treasures!
Even with the stacking of mission items to clean up your inventories, the aftermath of gifting leaves everyone with piles of extra gear taking up space in your inventories and banks.
Bank max size increased to 2020!
If you already qualify for a new achievement tier, please allow some time to receive your achievement update.
Inventory max size increased to 1220!
To prepare for the next war event, x100 and permanent War Commander cores will be available at Vendbots across Delta V.
This update, Silver Secret Packages will open to reveal this year's latest batch of holiday gear! Awarding these is a manual process, so please allow some time to receive your prizes.
This update, Secret Packages will also open to reveal this year's latest batch of holiday gear! Awarding these is a manual process, so please allow some time to receive your prizes.
For the morphing armors, the animation states do not broadcast to all players, but all players are able to click the armor to see the new forms.
When these packages open, new cores will be attached to the various included weapons! Thanks to our improved core functionality, you can swap out these cores without fear of them being destroyed.
This update we're introducing a new achievement, Daily Gift Legend, for players who have won the top Daily Gifter achievement in 3 gifting seasons between 2018-2022. The previous Daily Gift Legend achievement (being a top Daily Gifter for 4 gifting seasons in a row) has been changed to the Daily Gift Epic Legend. These achievements are only for those who have the Daily Gifter achievements -- having the Secret Package prizes is not enough to qualify.
Core search has now been added to the item finder. There are some outstanding issues with the item finder like the clear button not working and the alphabetical search alternative between ascending and descending, but these will be fixed in a subsequent update. There are also some items that may show up, but are either orphaned database entries, testing items, or items not intended for sale. To eliminate confusion, items are being hidden from the interface on a rolling basis.
If you've logged into EpicDuel in the last few days you've probably noticed Exile is missing from the server list. We haven't needed it in awhile (each server has a cap of over 1000) so Spider and I decided to use it as an additional environment to test new features. That should allow more thorough testing and prevent the need for late-night weekend hotfixes.
NPC battle limit: Server updated to new limit of 300.