AQ3D AdventureQuest 3D

Thinking Outside the Box

Artix | Tuesday, September 19, 2017

AQ3D Box

AdventureQuest 3D... and excellent source of calcium, when served with milk.

A prize in every loot box! Now available during breakfast on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android Phones and Tablets.

Thinking out of the box with you...

It is weird, video game boxes are nearly extinct. I love GameStop and traditional game stores. Which is why I was surprised walking into a GameStop the other day... I saw that half the store was converted into some strange Frankensteined gamer's equivalent to Hot Topic. Their focus is shifting to toys, shirts, and merch as the game aisles continue to shrink. Which only makes sense, high speed internet and cloud based computing all but obsoleted the idea of... disks, cartridges, and physical media.

What isle do you put a cross-platform game in?

D. All of the above

We have had a half dozen hit games, but have never had a game box :( Ever. The pre-paid cards we had in Best Buy, Target, and other stories do not count... they were cards, not boxes. So I summoned the unholy powers of Photoshop to imagine what it would be like if we did have one.

(This is not real. Thx Photoshop.)

So where/how do you discover games now!?

One of my greatest joys was going to the mall, grabbing a coffee and walking around the Game, Book, Video, and Music stores. It was a therapeutic and inspiring. You know, looking at all the cool box art and flipping them over to read the back. Always searching and hoping to spy something new and fascinating. Which raises the question... where do you go to look for games now? Do you just look at whatever is at the top of the charts on the app store? The ads on Steam? Do you subscribe to certain YouTubers? Do you read gaming new sites? Or Reddit? Do you have friends that post whatever is new and hot on their Facebook or Twitter feeds? If you would not mind sharing with me, I would love to know. Because as we get closer to our live launch, we will need to get the word out about AQ3D in the right places-- and you are the perfect person to pick them.

SO QUESTION: How do you find games these days?

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