AdventureQuest 3D
| Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by Super Typhoon Rai, which struck the Philippines last Friday. We know that many of our players and some of our team members in the Philippines (as well as players in parts of China, Palau, Micronesia, and Malaysia) have been personally affected by this.
On behalf of you and all the players in our Artix Entertainment videogame community, we've made a donation of $5,016 USD (250,000 Philippine pesos) to the Philippine Red Cross, to help in the relief effort.
Be safe and know that we're thinking of you.* We hope this contribution helps. And if you, your friends, or your family are in a position to help, we encourage you to do what you can. You can donate to relief efforts through the official Philippine Red Cross website.
*Just in case it takes a while for power to be restored in some areas, we're going to leave all our holiday events up for a couple extra weeks — we won't pull Frostval events in our games until after January.