Artix Krieger - Tuesday, November 28, 2023

AQWorlds Infinity Q&A

Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.

Hollow - Saturday, June 1, 2024

AQ's Summer Z-Token Bonus is on Fire!

Brace for Impact! AQ's Summer Z-Token Bonus is on 🔥

Alina - Friday, May 31, 2024

New Meme & Muse Rares

Meme & Muse Rare Items

You asked for memes and anime, and our artists have delivered! Find new meme items in the Featured Gear Shop this weekend, and return as we add even more Anime x Meme items over the next few weeks. First up... the…

Alina - Friday, May 31, 2024

Cold Thunder Interlude Boss

Sidhe Waits... Answer the Deadly Muse's Call

You may have escaped Castle Eblana with your lives... but you're far from safe. A deceptively beautiful, incredibly deadly fairy waits... and watches... and hungers. Log in this weekend and fight…

Alina - Friday, May 31, 2024

Our Summer AC Bonus is On

🔥 Our Summer AC Bonus starts now! Get 50% more bonus AdventureCoins with any AC or Membership pack you buy all season long. Our event lineup is on fire (literally), so this is a great time top up your ACs and gear up before things get heat…

Housing Improvements
Clarion - Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Housing Improvements

Introducing Multi-build function for housing, simplifying housing slots & home deeds, and increasing house item limits by 1000 per house! Guardians get +1000 house item limit bonus. Plus, 200% bonus XP & Class XP boosts for everybod…

Interface Updates & More!
Dove - Friday, May 24, 2024

Interface Updates & More!

This week, DragonFable's user interface has received a massive update from Dracelix! There have also been a lot of other bug fixes and adjustments!

War Drop Update and New Battlepass Preview
Nightwraith - Friday, May 24, 2024

War Drop Update and New Battlepass Preview

This update covers some miscellaneous categories, mainly focusing on war drop balance with some additional information on the next Battlepass!

Infernal Guardian Gear Now Live
Nightwraith - Friday, May 24, 2024

Infernal Guardian Gear Now Live

The Infernal Guardian Gear package is now live! Get it now to power up and duel on!

Gaz Big Blow Out Sale
Beleen - Friday, May 24, 2024

Gaz’s Big Blow Out Sale!

🚨 ONE WEEK ONLY! Gaz has brought back items from Mogloween 2020 & 2021, TLaPD 2019 & 2021, and Frostval 2019 & 2021. Get your gear at Gaz in Battleon!

2024 Memorial Holiday Boosts & House Guard Sale
Hollow - Thursday, May 23, 2024

2024 Memorial Holiday Boosts & House Guard Sale

Don't miss AdventureQuest's Memorial holiday event, offering legendary discounts & epic boosts!

Clarion - Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Quest for the Azurecrest Lance

The legendary Bob-O has arrived in Lolosia, and not everyone is happy about this…

May the Fourth Contest Winners Announced
Beleen - Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May the Fourth Contest Winners Announced

The Force was strong with this contest! After much deliberation, we are thrilled to announce the winners of our May the Fourth contest. These are the screenshots you’re looking for!

Artix Krieger - Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Animated Pictures Inside!

AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity update.... now with mooooore pikturs! Also, information on the next Tech Demo.

Alina - Friday, May 17, 2024

New Featured Sets

Now Available in the Featured Gear Shop!

We've got a host of new color-customizable items for you this weekend! Find the rare Enchanted Harmonic Savant set in your Featured Gear shop in the game menu, along with the permanently available En…