| Saturday, February 24, 2024
Hey there, heroes! The moment we have all been eagerly awaiting is finally here! We are thrilled to announce the spectacular winners of the Dage vs Nulgath Draw Your Weapon Contest 🏆💀😈
With over 250 talented participants submitting a whopping 500 entries, our judges faced an overwhelming challenge unlike any I have ever experienced. Every entry displayed a unique blend of passion, creativity, and artistic brilliance, so narrowing down the winners was no easy feat – even with the help of 15 judges!
Now that 7500 votes have been cast and tallied… it’s time to reveal our wonderful winners! We will be distributing prizes to the winners later this week, in addition to contacting the Grand Prize Winners by email. But I am just too excited NOT to share the winners with you right now, and I don't think y'all can wait any longer either, so let's goooooo!
big duh
Papi Syko
Absolutely AMAZING work Warrior_zxz, big duh, __MAGJCLORD__, InheritedThorns, Sepha, and Papi Syko! Your wicked weapons wowed the judges and ranked highest among 500 entries! Incredible!!! Each of you will get your weapon created in AQW, the Birthday Collection Chest belonging to your chosen overlord, 2000 AdventureCoins, and the Contest Winner Character Page Badge!
These masterpieces will be forged by the AQW artists so that they work within the game. As mentioned in the contest rules, we will try our best to replicate these weapons as closely as possible, but some details might have to get omitted. These 6 weapons will be released in March; winners will get their weapon sent straight to their inventory while everyone else can ruthlessly farm for these amazing armaments. Better yet: all will be permanent farmable rewards tagged at 0 AC so they’ll take up no bank space >:D
Oh! And one more thing:
We pay real human artists for all of the art that goes into the game, and this contest is no different! We are going to reach out to each winner and go over contract and payment details (and of course to fangirl in real-time). Your weapons are incredible, you’re incredible, and we want to make sure you are paid for your incredible work!
That said, Grand Prize Winners: we'll be sending you an email to the email address listed on your game account so we can get you taken care of 🤑 Prizes, your badge, and an email should arrive soon! If you've already won a badge from a prior contest, you can't get another, just saying.
You know it’s a legit Artix contest when we HAVE to award more players than previously planned. These artists went above and beyond the bounds of creativity, forging both Dage and Nulgath weapons that totally wowed the judges. Since these were unplanned extras, we’ll be giving LHG, Kanshi, and Claribel all the Grand Prize Winner goodies in addition to making these into game weapons when time allows. They’d make for some wicked end-game farming rewards, don't ya think? 😈
We will also be contacting LHG, Kanshi, and Claribel to get them paid for their hard work. We’ll be sending you an email soon since we are simply blown away by your fantastic art pieces!!!
"Circle?" More like, a long rectangular table of honorable minion mentions! Click each one to see their killer creations.
Wow wow wow – I am running out of ways to say how positively amazed we are with our community 🤩 We cannot believe how incredibly talented you all are… so that’s why we had to choose 42 honorable mentions to join the Evil Honors Circle (also because 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything...including AQW contests)! These weapons here scored seriously high points for concept, design, and overall execution. Each Evil Honors mention will receive 1,000 ACs and a Character Page Badge! Prizes awarded soon! Great weaponsmithing, everyone!
This contest was arguably one of the best experiences here at Artix Entertainment. The excitement was palpable the whole way through! And the way the AE community came together to share their love for art, the Archfiend, and the Dark Lord was unlike anything I’ve EVER seen! Even Guest Artists couldn’t control their excitement either and leapt into action, forging these killer creations that created quite a commotion across social media:
d black star
Alvaro do AQW
Since we have the pleasure of working with you regularly, please message us as you normally do and we will discuss stuff as we normally do too ;)
Despite all the challenges we faced*, we are thrilled to celebrate all our winners who rose above the competition! Your talent, dedication, and commitment to the spirit of creativity have left us in awe, and we KNOW your fellow heroes are astonished, too! Bravo, bravo, bravo!!!
And! To all our participants who played fairly, thank you for being part of this incredible adventure 🙏 Even if you didn’t win a prize this time, please know that your passion for art – and fervor for forging weapons! – is so inspiring and heartwarming… even if most were spooky Dage / Nulgath stuff lol 🤣
Now join me, my marvelous heroes and faithful minions, as we applaud our wonderful winners in the Dage vs Nulgath Draw Your Weapon Contest 👏💖✨Spectacular job well done!
As a reminder, Winners: your prizes, badge, and/or email should be arriving in the next handful of days, since we have A LOT of prizes to dish out and a lot of artists to contact :) If you've already won a contest badge from a prior contest, badges don't stack... unlike your awesomeness :3
As a reminder to everyone else: everybody in AQWorlds will be able to farm for the Grand Prize Winners’ weapons in March when we celebrate Dage’s birthday… and the month of EVIL!
Congratulations to everyone once again, and until the next time our contests cross, keep creating the magic that brings our community to life! 💫
Battle on,
Beleen, our amazing panel of judges who are most certainly tuckered out, and the AQW team
* If you dig drama, and/or want to know the gritty behind-the-scenes details, then keep an eye out for a contest post-mortem coming later this week.