AdventureQuest 3D
| Thursday, June 20, 2024
Do you hear that? It’s the sweet sound of fun waves on the beach, that’s right it’s time for some fun in the sun. Head on over to Heroes Cove and join in on the good times. Experience the exotic wildlife, enjoy the scent of meat on the grill, fish to your heart's content… battle invading creatures from the depths of the sea!? Scronches invade from the depths in search of MEAT, defend the beach, and win the war!
Heroes Cove may not be what it seems at first, but there are secrets to uncover, and wildlife to do battle with! From Blood Faries to Sea Dickens, who knows what you might find!
With the arrival of summer comes a new war at Heroes Cove, the slimy schronches rise up from the deep to claim the cove for themselves. Of course, we can’t let them steal our BBQ. Complete quests to progress the war meter, as the war meter fills you will gain access to new items in the war shop from Annette and once the mete fills you will gain access to the dungeon! Battle monsters, turn in quests, get rewards, and turn the tide of the war!
Here is a sneak peek at some of the items you can find in Heroes Cove, some are rewards from the war while others can be bought or gained through other means.
In preparation for what’s to come a hero must get strangers. Players will be able to ascend to a new level of power! One must be ready for the villains ahead, so start your training arc now.
This week also sees the return of previous summer collections for al la carte sales, by speaking to Annette. That includes the summer collections from 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Beyond that, the events in Pointe Less Isle have also returned.
A long-requested travel form arrives in the Oversoul. Take on the Nulgath Challenge and fight for your chance at this Guardian-only Fiend Dricken Form!
The combined powers of Broomtool and Jongaar have brought a new feature to the game. When you submerge under the water in Heroes Cove you’ll notice a more dynamic change in your audio to represent being underwater.
Starting on June 19th and ending on June 26th we will be running a 150% server boost for XP and CXP to help you catch up or achieve the new level cap of 50.
Last week some changes made it to live which, while unintended, served to be pretty exciting. For the most part, the spirit of these changes is fine but essentially Warrior and Mage could endlessly scale, we’ve reigned them in just a bit and will be monitoring the situation moving forward. To make up for the change in Mage’s damage output we’ve increased the AoE on their fireball as compensation. While these changes look big on paper it really took crazy circumstances to pop off with the amount of stacks required to break them.
This week we have more than class balance changes, we’ve also shifted scaling in some older maps as we move to rebalance the game.
In our ongoing discussions about AdventureQuest 3D, we’ve focused on the Nulgath content. Over the past year, Nulgath weapons have dominated the game, they’ve been the best-in-slot weapons since their release. However, this dominance has had unintended consequences for the game’s economy and reward system. Players have provided feedback that other rewards don’t feel as valuable because Nulgath items are so powerful. Addressing this issue isn’t straightforward. Simply releasing more items at a slightly higher level won’t solve it, as Nulgath weapons are hard-coded to be exceptionally potent. Unfortunately, this situation isn’t conducive to a healthy MMO reward structure or the game’s long-term health. To improve the game experience, we’re taking action. While this will involve nerfing some existing content, we’re committed to creating a more balanced environment with diverse rewards. In the upcoming patch, we’ll adjust the infusion cap for many weapons. If you’ve already exceeded the default cap, don’t worry, you’ll retain your progress.
What the duck is that?! Now you can totally ‘wing it’ with the adorably awesome Rubber Ducky Hat! To adopt your feathered friend, just purchase any package in the upgrade shop, score 50% extra Dragon Crystals, AND as an added bonus, you’ll unlock the Rubber Ducky House Item. For those who get one of the Guardian upgrade packages, you will also get the exclusive bubble-blowing variant helm. Because bubbles rule. And so do you! Thank you for helping support AQ3D – we love that you love us (and rubber duckies too)!
Celebrate the sizzle of summer with our first-ever Artix Summer Postcard Contest, where artists and writers alike can showcase their talents. Create Artix-themed postcards using any art medium and/or write a short fanfic on the back! Artix Points prizes for our winners! Open to all Artix Entertainment players from every Artix game. Contest runs until Sunday, June 30, 2024. Unleash your creativity and let’s make waves this summer!
Battle on,
Clarion, Artix, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team