Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
The mystery surrounding Khandie's parents unfolds as the final Golden Giftboxes of 2022 arrive!
Aurelio Voltaire’s new album, “The Black Labyrinth ~ A Requiem for the Goblin King,” is now available for pre-order!
Kibbles and his cousin Tibbles have returned to spread holiday cheer with new Season of Gifting contests!
A snow-covered Battleon can mean only one thing - the Frostval season has arrived!
Happening now! "Hello Darling. It’s me, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark! I'm hosting Artix Entertainment's 20th anniversary... and you're the guest of honor." See the special event page
Next week is Artix Entertianment's 20th anniversary! You are formally invited as the guest of honor to the special event happening in two games. See the full event page.
The month of evil continues with 5 sinister prizes added to the Golden Giftboxes!
Our new 8-bit game for the NES is shipping! If you are a backer, please make sure your shipping information is right before Tuesday.
The first GGBs of 2022 have arrive plus updates to ancient Z-Token equipment!
Check your inventory to see what's inside your Guardian Giftboxes!
Frostval 2021 has arrived! It's time to celebrate with mug of hot cocoaberry juice and a roaring fire! Of course, it's not a Frostval without presents, and Warlic has arrived to Frostvale to deliver some gifts!
It is time to deliver the Frostval gifts!
Merry Frostval! We got you a gift! We added 500 DragonCrystals and a bank vault to your character. Login to AdventureQuest 3D and see. Also, the 2021 Frostval Collection was just released!
Give the gift that keeps eating your friends this Frostval as Gift’thulu makes it’s return! Get ready for AQ3D’s very first gifting leaderboard, and take a bite out of PvP in the new map: Battle Feast!
The month-long Frostval holiday fun continues!