Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
The holiday cheer is spreading throughout Battleon as Frostval approaches. Log in and check out all the new festivies! Battle Frostfang in the Social District, check out new Holiday crafts, visit the Giving Shrub, and more!
The month-long Frostval holiday fun continues as we fill the Limited-Time Shop with festive gear!
Kibbles and his cousin Tibbles have returned to spread holiday cheer with new Season of Gifting contests!
A snow-covered Battleon can mean only one thing - the Frostval season has arrived!
Calling all artists! It's time for the 2020 video game art mashup that you never knew you needed. For this surprise community event, draw your favorite Yooka-Laylee and AdventureQuest video game characters together.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year's 2020 Artix Entertainment Cookie contest.
It is finally time to see what's inside your giftboxes!
Hindsight being 2020.... hop in game, obtain your well earned 2020 badge, and protect town from the Frost Summoner's Horde.
As snow falls gently over Falconreach, and a fluffy blanket of white covers all, everything is comfy and well, except... who delivered the colossal pile of presents in the middle of town?
May your days be warm, safe, and full of adventure....
It is time to mount up on your Reigndragon Armor to deliver the gifts and save Frostval!
Beware of players spawning Gift'thulu across the game! This gift-filled creature is summoned from an item purchased from Blizzy the Moglin.
We hope this year's 2020 collection brings you comfort and joy. You'll need it after you encounter our gift monster, Gift'thulu!
AQ's month-long Frostval season continues as you cross the border from Horror to Terror realms!
The 2021 calendars have arrived at the Secret Underground Lab! That means pre-orders end at 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. Pre-Order your 2021 Artix Calendar and get a free 1,000 Artix Points Gift Certificate. PLUS get a free…