Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Icy is a guild built on friendship, kindness, and a shared passion for AdventureQuest Worlds. With a welcoming community, generous $100 giveaways, and 24 hour support, Icy offers a home for players who value camaraderie over competition.
The Shadowfall Fortress is a testament to 14 years of dedication, treasure hoarding, and undead-approved interior design! Built (and rebuilt) by Garkoks Dran, this fortress overflows with relics, artifacts, and just enough chaos to keep the…
Crazy. Insane. Psychotic. We are on the final attack to get to the next tech demo. May the fates favor us all...
Slithering through the shadowy back alleys of Akiba, the rogues of the ShadowSnake Clan live outside the law... but remain loyal to the descendents of the Jade Serpent Prince. Unlock all th…
February is a Triple Holiday month-long celebration: from Yokai New Year and the LoreBowl Punt /party this weekend all the way to Hero's Heart Day and Carnaval! Log in now to celebrate Lunar New Year with Empress Miko in Akiba. It's the Yea…
Stay up to date with details on the new releases, server boosts, daily login gifts, art previews, balance updates, and more in this week's game digest post.
The smell of doom surrounds us... the undead must be tragically low on deodorant. Join us for the second daily progress post of the year.
Nulgath’s birthday celebration begins this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! For all you real-life rare hunters, talk to Nubble the Dark Makai in Battleon to find Nul…
We've unleashed a host of gear for you this month, but the INVENTORY OVERLOAD isn't done yet! We've got bright and dark new rewards from Axeros, Hikari, and Dominik -- three of the A…
Nightvale. Oculus Mortis. Imperial Demons. More than just guild names, these represented a legacy of camaraderie, creativity, and cherished memories in AQWorlds. From 2014 to 2021, these guilds were a home, a family, and a beacon for its me…
An enchanting oasis awaits in Enkanomiya's Djinn Palace on the Artix server. This Sandsea sanctuary, built in 2018, combines desert mystique and creative flair into a home that’s as magical as it is mesmerizing.
Nulgath’s birthday celebration continues this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! For all you real-life rare hunters, talk to Nubble the Dark Makai in Battleon to find …
Survive this weekend's update, and a sinister truth will be revealed! Login now as we continue celebrating Nulgath the ArchFiend's birthday with Part 2 of "Nulgath's Nation: Descent into Obliv…
Wow, what a contest! From hilarious hijinks to insane creativity, the Mischievous Moglins Contest showcased just how amazing and imaginative our community truly is. Prepare for some ooohs, ahhhs, and a little "what the hecc" along the way!
Our Frostval AC Gifting event ended last Tuesday night (January 14th). A horde of generous, and very patient, heroes have been waiting since then to unlock our rewards for their in-game generosity... and…