Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
3 amazing Z-Token Package bonuses have arrived!
AdventureQuest is heating up with a blazing hot Z-Token bonus event!
Our new 8-bit game for the NES is shipping! If you are a backer, please make sure your shipping information is right before Tuesday.
The Frostwyrm prizes have all been delivered, check your inventory to see what you've won!
Our limited time Z-Token bonus won't last forever, and the clock is ticking! Get up to 30% more tokens with any Z-Token Package purchase.
AQ's epic 2021 saga continues!
AQ's epic Summer event continues as schools of shark gear swims into the Limited-Time Shop!
Win the powerful Frostwyrm Rider set!
Sharks are attacking Pointe Less Isle! Join us for a summer beach-monster war. Rewards unlock as you do quests and help increase that war meter to 100%. Also check out the brand new 2021 Summer Collection.
AQ's epic 2021 Summer event continues as we fill the Limited-Time Shop with new gear!
AQ's epic 2021 Summer event begins!
Our limited time Z-Token bonus won't last forever, and the clock is ticking! Get up to 30% more tokens with any Z-Token Package purchase.
Calling all artists! It's time for the 2020 video game art mashup that you never knew you needed. For this surprise community event, draw your favorite Yooka-Laylee and AdventureQuest video game characters together.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year's 2020 Artix Entertainment Cookie contest.
May your days be warm, safe, and full of adventure....