Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
The base Mage class has just received a massive update!
We just launched our 1st ever Switch Game! Our 8-Bit retro game is now on the Nintendo eShop.
Hear Aurelio Voltaire's new 13th album, The Black Labyrinth. Featuring 15 members of David Bowie's band, this album is a 20-song musical adventure.
Aurelio Voltaire’s new album, “The Black Labyrinth ~ A Requiem for the Goblin King,” is now available for pre-order!
Happening now! "Hello Darling. It’s me, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark! I'm hosting Artix Entertainment's 20th anniversary... and you're the guest of honor." See the special event page
Next week is Artix Entertianment's 20th anniversary! You are formally invited as the guest of honor to the special event happening in two games. See the full event page.
Warlic received a distress signal from the moon!
Investigate the source of the signal and their lunar threat in this week’s release. Plus, preview the new items added to the Summer Collection!
Return to the world within the Transdimensional Crystal and power the Staff of Shattering.
Return to the Oddities Shop where a strange new artifact awaits: a trans-dimensional crystal.
Our new 8-bit game for the NES is shipping! If you are a backer, please make sure your shipping information is right before Tuesday.
Greetings! Warlic has been hard at work researching and uncovering new recipes for auras, and has also discovered a way to turn you into a wisp. Craft new potions which give you a magical aura, by logging in to collect materials from all ar…
Sham's arrows must be as strong as that love potion, because Wabio is back and... Wabio-er than ever. Watch out for face-meltingly hot riffs and his signature zapping!
AQ's annual Blarney War returns and... love is in the air?
Calling all artists! It's time for the 2020 video game art mashup that you never knew you needed. For this surprise community event, draw your favorite Yooka-Laylee and AdventureQuest video game characters together.