Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Get ready to unwrap tons of prizes from many of your favorite AE games!
Get ready to unwrap tons of prizes from many of your favorite AE games!
Get ready to unwrap tons of prizes from many of your favorite AE games!
So secret that even we do not know where it is.
If you are someone who has made up your mind that we are an evil soulless company, then this post is not for you. If you are a long-time fan of our games, our community, and our commitment to creating fun game worlds, then this might be a f…
Recently, we've gotten questions about a few screenshots that show a list of hacked accounts and their login information. We do not have a security vulnerability. These accounts were "stolen" when p…
Double the excitement with the arrival of returning Golden Giftbox prizes as we update the Champion of the Light Realm set!
We have some sad news to share today. Glisel, who has been an absolute pleasure to work with, is moving on to new opportunities. We give her our full love and support. She did not want to just disappear into the darkness. So she wrote this …
We just launched our 1st ever Switch Game! Our 8-Bit retro game is now on the Nintendo eShop.
Your friendly neighborhood game developers here at Artix Entertainment are shocked and feel betrayed by Unity's pricing announcement.
As we make free-to-play games, which stand to be hur…
We made a new game for the 1985 NES. There are some physical boxed carts with the magazine still available at HeroMart. You can play it on your computer too.
Double the excitement with the arrival of the next round of Golden Giftbox prizes as we celebrate the Moms of AQ!
We are taking AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity to PAX: East next week! Here is your latest progress report.
Official trailer drop! Watch the AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity Teaser Trailer on Youtube.