Artix Krieger - Tuesday, November 28, 2023

AQWorlds Infinity Q&A

Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.

The War Between Shadows III + Limited-Time Shark Gear!
Hollow - Thursday, July 8, 2021

The War Between Shadows III + Limited-Time Shark Gear!

AQ's epic Summer event continues as schools of shark gear swims into the Limited-Time Shop!

2021 Independence Day Event
Hollow - Thursday, July 1, 2021

2021 Independence Day Event

Find over 50 new and returning items and MORE!

The War Between Shadows Part II - Once Upon a Scheme
Hollow - Thursday, June 17, 2021

The War Between Shadows Part II - Once Upon a Scheme

AQ's epic 2021 Summer event continues as we fill the Limited-Time Shop with new gear!

2021 Memorial Holiday Gold/XP Boosts and House Guard Sale
Hollow - Monday, May 24, 2021

2021 Memorial Holiday Gold/XP Boosts and House Guard Sale

Check out all the great bonuses and sales happening right now at!

Choco-Light of Destiny
Hollow - Friday, April 2, 2021

Choco-Light of Destiny

The famed axe of Artix, now in high quality chocolate form, is in the Limited-Time Shop!

Legion Light of Destiny
Hollow - Thursday, March 4, 2021

Legion Light of Destiny

The famed axe of Artix, now further enhanced by the sinister powers of The Legion, is now in the Limited-Time Shop!

Passionate Light of Destiny
Hollow - Thursday, February 18, 2021

Passionate Light of Destiny

The famed axe of Artix, now further enhanced by the powers of the warm SnuggleFest season! 

Artix Krieger - Thursday, February 25, 2021

Yooka-Laylee x AdventureQuest Art Contest

Calling all artists! It's time for the 2020 video game art mashup that you never knew you needed. For this surprise community event, draw your favorite Yooka-Laylee and AdventureQuest video game characters together.


Artix Krieger - Friday, February 5, 2021

2020 Holiday Cookie Contest Winners

Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year's 2020 Artix Entertainment Cookie contest.

2021 New Year
Hollow - Friday, February 5, 2021

2021 New Year's Celebration

We hope you're having an awesome holiday season, THANK YOU for battling alongside us throughout 2020! We hope you'll be here with us as we strive to make 2021 another amazing year in the world of AQ!

Artix Krieger - Friday, February 5, 2021

Happy Frostval!

May your days be warm, safe, and full of adventure....

Alina - Friday, February 5, 2021

Calendar Pre-Order Ends Tonight

The 2021 calendars have arrived at the Secret Underground Lab! That means pre-orders end at 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. Pre-Order your 2021 Artix Calendar and get a free 1,000 Artix Points Gift Certificate. PLUS get a free…

Glisel - Friday, February 5, 2021

Holiday Cookie Contest

Let frosted combat begin! In this holiday food contest, create any tasty Artix Entertainment themed creation! Weapon cookies, frosted cupcake Moglins, Dragonslayer helmet in the foam of your coffee, forbidden ice cream dragons, an alpha pie…

Thank you 2020
Alina - Friday, February 5, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving from Artix Entertainment

Today is Thanksgiving, and people around the US focus on family, friends, and what they are grateful for. I'm grateful for YOU. We couldn't make our games without your support, loyalty and enthusiasm. Thank you for being a part of our v…

Thursday the 12th
Hollow - Friday, February 5, 2021

Thursday the 12th

The second unluckiest day of the year returns… and this time during the Harvest Fest season.