Artix Krieger - Tuesday, November 28, 2023

AQWorlds Infinity Q&A

Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.

3 Limited-Time Z-Token Package Bonuses Leaving Soon
Artix - Friday, June 26, 2020

Limited-Time Z-Token Package Bonuses Leaving Soon

3 Limited-Time Z-Token Package Bonuses will be leaving September 30th!

50% Off Z-Token Sale
Hollow - Friday, June 26, 2020

50% Off Z-Token Sale

Cool off with this amazing offer for 50% off ALL* Z-Token items as we get closer to the final days of Summer!

Talk Like a Pirate Day 15th Anniversary Event
Hollow - Monday, January 4, 2021

Talk Like a Pirate Day 15th Anniversary Event

All hands on deck as we celebrate 15 years of talking like pirates!

Artix - Monday, January 4, 2021

ENCORE! Korn Battle Concert now includes the song 'Cold'

New version of the Korn battle concert just dropped... now featuring their newest song, 'Cold', from their upcoming album, 'The Nothing'! Watch the video trailer. Check it out before the event ends and goes perma-rare in two weeks.

Limited-Time Z-Token Package Bonuses
Hollow - Friday, June 26, 2020

Limited-Time Z-Token Package Bonuses

2 Back-To-School Z-Token packages arrive as well as tons of discounted gear in the Limited-Time Shop!

Korn to play concerts in the video games AdventureQuest 3D & AQWorlds
Artix Krieger - Monday, January 4, 2021

Korn Battle Concert happening now in AdventureQuest 3D & AQWorlds

Happening now! Get in the most brutal mosh pit ever... and make video game history! Korn is playing the grand opening of the Battle Concert Arena in the massively multiplayer games, AdventureQuest 3D & AQWorlds.

Want A Moglin
Artix Krieger - Monday, January 4, 2021

Want a Moglin? Last Chance!

We've just shipped 10,755 Plush Moglins to players all over the world! Want us to send you one too? Because this is your last chance to get Moglins at the special Kickstarter/BackerKit price with all of the exclusives.

Devouring Scythe Z-Token Package Bonus
Hollow - Thursday, June 27, 2019

Devouring Scythe Z-Token Package Bonus

Wield the powers of The'Galin with a powerful new weapon!

Chat While You Play
Alina - Monday, January 4, 2021

Chat While You Play

Join us on the Artix Games official Discord Server! Chat about your next mission, your favorite mecha, Heromart, or just hangout with your fellow heroes. Get the server invite link on

Summer Sales Event
Hollow - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Summer Sales Event

  • All Z-Token packages give an extra 50% bonus Z-Tokens
  • Mog Lightnaut Z-Token Package arrives for the month of June

El Muchacho Z-Token Package Bonus
Hollow - Saturday, June 1, 2019

El Muchacho Z-Token Package Bonus

El Muchacho 4-in-1 weapon arrives just in time for the Cinco De Mayo celebration!

Hollow - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Spring Z-Token Sale Extended

We are extending the Z-Token sale to April 11th!

Z-Token Package Bonuses
Hollow - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Z-Token Package Bonuses

2 new amazing Z-Token package bonus items just in time for the Grenwog Festival!

Spring Z-Token Sale
Hollow - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Spring Z-Token Sale

All Z-Token packages give an extra 25% more Z-Tokens

2 Limited-Time Z-Token Package Bonuses
Hollow - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Protoparagon MK4 and Spirit of Luck Z-Token Package Bonuses

Do not miss out on these 2 incredible limited-time Z-Token package bonuses!