Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Rule the night in royal style with the Nightmare Queen armor, plus new Fungibushi gear update!
Gear up for autumn adventures!
Unleash your inner beast and embrace the fungal fury - unlocking not one, but two possible sets of incredible prizes during AdventureQuest's sizzling 2024 Summer Season of Gifting!
The enchanting Frostval Season of Gifting approaches its grand finale!
We have extended this amazing offer until January 20th!
We just launched our 1st ever Switch Game! Our 8-Bit retro game is now on the Nintendo eShop.
Embrace the ongoing Frostval magic, and discover a brand-new Z-Token Package!
Frostval festivities & exclusive Golden Giftboxes await!
Kibbles and his cousin Tibbles have returned to spread holiday cheer with new Season of Gifting contests!
Can the holiday Z-Token bonus start early? Shuriken!
Don't let the summer sun set on this sizzling deal as this bonus ends Sept 5th 11:59PM EST.
There are just 24 hours left in the 2023 Summer Season of the Gifting Contest! Make certain that you've allocated your final gifts to Tibbles to obtain your Wingweaver Battlegear! Dive into a sea of excitement as you ride the waves of fortu…
Dive into a sea of excitement as you ride the waves of fortune - unlocking not one, but two possible sets of incredible prizes during AdventureQuest's sizzling 2023 Summer Season of Gifting!
AdventureQuest is heating up with a blazing hot Z-Token bonus event!