Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Don't miss AQ's massive TLaPD event happening now!
The Glass Cannon Z-Token Package bonus arrives along with powerful items in the Limited-Time Shop!
Avast! She be live me matey... hop aboard and see for yerself! This year's collection be the biggest in the whole game's history.
The new 2020 Talk Like A Pirate Day collection is coming soon... but until then, you can pick up returning pieces from the previous years from "Crabby" Patty in town.
Let's draw some Moglins! Are you an artist with the skills to draw Moglins in our classic style? Submit your best moglin art by August 30th, 2020. Grand prize is 4,000 Artix Points!
Congratulations and thank you to all of the designers who entered the challenge to create promo art. Winning entries await you within...
Enter our new art contest! We're celebrating Dage's birthday in AdventureQuest 3D and AdventureQuest Worlds all month long with a fan art contest. Prizes and how to enter inside...
***Judging now. Winners will be announced soon.***
The legendary band, Breaking Benjamin, is performing right now in AdventureQuest 3D! This battle concert features parkour, titan fights, 50+ new items for you to loot or craft!
Popular YouTubers Billiam and Negative Legend just posted reviews of the original AdventureQuest... you gotta see this for yourself.
January 16th is Nulgath's birthday! Darkon created two new companion collectors prints, and we are bringing back the original set! Go to HeroMart.com to add to your collection or start one by collecting all four prints to unlock the New Bon…
As we bravely march onward into a new decade... let us first take moment to look at our video game making adventures together over the last year. Grab a frothing stein of moglinberry juice and gather around the fire to warm our hearts in t…
Dungeons & DoomKnights, our 8-Bit NES game, was just featured in issue #4 of Dev Cart Magazine!
Players are losing their heads over this year's Mogloween Collection! ...and then replacing them with flames, pumpkins, and riding around on a cursed horse. See for yourself.
Avast! We named the pirate cat "Shiver Me Wiskers" and the dog "Davy Bones", har har... it be Talk Like a Pirate Weekend in AdventureQuest 3D.
All hands on deck as we celebrate 15 years of talking like pirates!