Artix Krieger - Tuesday, November 28, 2023

AQWorlds Infinity Q&A

Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.

Lucky Day 2019 Boost
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Double Server Boost

Get DOUBLE Gold and Reputation all weekend long as we celebrate the return of the Lucky Day Fair and the new Fae Grove farming zone (with the Faerie Court rep).

Lucky Day 2019 Gear
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

2019 Lucky Gear

Tonight, find the Lucky Paragon set and Lucky Golden Paragon Bank Pet in your Featured Gear Shop for AdventureCoins. These items will be available until the Lucky Day Event leaves. 

Lucky Day 2019
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Shamrock Fair is back!

Do ya feel lucky, Hero? I hope so, because this weekend, The Shamrock Fair returns as we celebrate Lucky Day! Log in all weekend log for one of the most colorful holiday events of the year.

AE Lucky Day
Vesper - Saturday, June 1, 2019

AE's Lucky Day Event

St. Patrick’s day exists to honor the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick.These days it is celebrated mostly by wearing green and partying… and rainbows! Read on to learn about how we celebrate Lucky Day some of AE’s games together!

Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Pancake Day Returns

The Grand Master Lunch Lady Oishii has returned to Yulgar's Inn, bringing with her a few silly, pancake-based items. You can find her in Yulgar's Inn until Monday but watch out, you will probably get hit at random by her flying flapjacks of…

Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Dark Caster Giveaway

We know not everyone is able to get the Dark Caster collection. So, by popular request, we are making 3 collections available in a giveaway. All you need to do is help us spread the word on TwitterFacebook, or Instragram (or triple your c…

Alina - Monday, November 27, 2023

Dage's Story... now with 100% more Undead Horse

Do you know the full story of Dage? If you are new to AdventureQuest 3D or even if you are a long time Dage fan and did not know his whole story... this post is for you.

Underworld Arena
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Underworld Arena

This weekend, Axeros, ally of Dage the Evil and leader of the Dark Hand, welcomes you to the Underworld’s deadliest Arena at!

Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Legion Symbiote Set

Gear up to celebrate death, destruction, and darkness with a deadly new set that will consume your soul... but take your battle skills to the next level. Find the all-new Legion Symbiote armor set in your Featured Gear Shop for AdventureCoi…

AQW HHD 2019
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hero's Heart Day 2019

Hero's Heart Day is a holiday full of emotion -- most heroes either LOVE the hearts, the pink decorations, and the cheerful cheesy romance... or they love to DESTROY them!  This weekend, log in and /join wubbles to love, honor... and to SLA…

Yokai New Year Celebration
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Yokai New Year Celebration

Join Empress Miko this weekend as our Yokai New Year celebration continues! But before the celebration can begin, the people of Akiba need your help. Zhū the Honorable Boar is trapped, caught in a mysterious sleep enchantment. Enter his dre…

WoD Yokai Senshi
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

New Doom Set: Yokai Senshi

The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and this week, as we celebrate the new year in Yokai Isle (and China celebrates its lunar new year) we've got an all-new, party-ready set for you -- the Yokai Senshi

Akiba Upgrade
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Become an Akiban Defender

Unlock the color-custom Akiban Defender upgrade bonus sets now and channel your inner warrior! Starting this month, buy any AdventureCoin or membership package worth $10 USD or more to select an upgrade bonus set of your choice from a list …

AQW February Seasonal Set
Alina - Saturday, June 1, 2019

Unlock the Obsidian Samurai Set

February is a month of celebration... from ringing in the Yokai New Year to the SuperBowl /party all the way to Hero's Heart Day! To help ALL our heroes get in the spirit, this month's seasonal set features a new set straight out of Empress…

Happy Holiday 2018
Alina - Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Happy Holidays, Heroes

From all of us at Artix Entertainment, we hope you have a safe, warm, and wonderful time with family and friends. Merry Frostval and happy holiday, heroes!