Let frosted combat begin! In this holiday food contest, create any tasty Artix Entertainment themed creation! Weapon cookies, frosted cupcake Moglins, Dragonslayer helmet in the foam of your coffee, forbidden ice cream dragons, an alpha pie…
Today is Thanksgiving, and people around the US focus on family, friends, and what they are grateful for. I'm grateful for YOU. We couldn't make our games without your support, loyalty and enthusiasm. Thank you for being a part of our v…
For this month's Arena Challenge, another new board has appeared at the Arena at the Edge of Time! The Change of Heart board is here, featuring those who you may have interacted with who have changed allegiance... for or against you!
Last time, you learned that the plane of Apsaydaaun was being torn apart by plants, and you rushed to its rescue, making your way to their source: Majji's fortress!
It's the Mogloween time of year once more! The smell of crunchy leaves and the sound of sweet candy fills the air... and the town of Croft appears on Lore once again. The Cauldron Sisters seem to have everything under control, and there's n…
This week, this month's Reimagined release is sneaking up early! The main story quest "Facing Z" is now "Chains of Command", and has been rewritten and reworked.
This week, Book 3's main story continues! The Greenguard Alliance has established itself outside the Doomwood ruins, and now, the investigation begins.
This week, a new board has appeared at the Arena at the Edge of Time! The Lost Fables board is here, home of entities you may have heard of in DragonFable, but never yet encountered yourself.
For this month's reimagined release, we have the next quest in Book 3's main story! The quest formerly known as "Rescue of Elanee" is now known as "The Border Prison". The premise is still very much similar, however, the dialogue and cutsce…
This week, we have more Book 3 main story! Last time, you traveled to the ancient ruins on the border of Doomwood and the Whispering Steppes. This time, your factions have arrived and set up camp. I'm sure the faction leaders have plenty to…
This week in DragonFable, Book 3's main story continues! Last time, you saved Swordhaven from a sandy fate and the rift and surrounding areas were secured. Now, it's time for The Greenguard Alliance to turn their sights toward Doomwood.
This week, a new challenge board has appeared in the Inn at the Edge of Time! The Arena is a place where foes can appear from across time and space and different universes- and now the Lords of Chaos have made their first appearance!
With Verly chilling deep within his interdimentional box, Dracelix and I have prepared for you an art update to not one, but two old quests! Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus, available from Sir Pernatural in Oaklore Keep (Book 1, 2 and 3)
This week, another of the Maleurous has made its move, and stolen an artifact that was supposed to be under the protection of the Avatars... And your dragon is tagging along for the ride this time!