The Force was strong with this contest! After much deliberation, we are thrilled to announce the winners of our May the Fourth contest. These are the screenshots you’re looking for!
We've got a host of new color-customizable items for you this weekend! Find the rare Enchanted Harmonic Savant set in your Featured Gear shop in the game menu, along with the permanently available E…
Balemorale Castle glows brightly in the Spring sunshine. But all that glitters is not gold, and appearances are deceptive; dark secrets lurk in its shadows, and envy is hidden in its visitors…
Join us in celebrating the winners of our Screengrab contest! Our Grand Prize Winners will see their video clips featured on the new AQ3D homepage, highlighting the creativity and passion of the Artix gaming community. Check it out!
Check out the Lunaris and Solaris Sentinel sets and more in your Featured Gear shop this weekend! Rare items in the set will be available until May 31st.