Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Meeeeeeeerry Frostval, Heroes! We've got a blindingly-brilliant set of gear for all you real-life rare collectors. Find the Permafrost and Frozensoul Chaos Champion sets, the final quantities of the Frost Dracolich Rider set, the Frostlorn …
May your days be warm, safe, and full of adventure....
The moglins of Frostvale were excited about the holiday, just like every year. But this year... something just isn't right. The sun is growing dim, and the cold has a strange flavor. Sick and sour and unsettling. The little moglins cry for …
Our very own time-traveling sales moglin is BACK in Battleon with a shop full of ice-cold gear from the past, present, and future. And for all you holiday-loving heroes, our Frostval 2020 Featured Collection chest is here! Get all of Quibbl…
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package until January 6th! If you're excited about this weekend's Frostval 2020 Collection chest, Quibble's shop, and the upcoming Frostval Limited Quant…
The 2021 calendars have arrived at the Secret Underground Lab! That means pre-orders end at 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. Pre-Order your 2021 Artix Calendar and get a free 1,000 Artix Points Gift Certificate. PLUS get a free…
Let frosted combat begin! In this holiday food contest, create any tasty Artix Entertainment themed creation! Weapon cookies, frosted cupcake Moglins, Dragonslayer helmet in the foam of your coffee, forbidden ice cream dragons, an alpha pie…
The December Seasonal Set is live at www.AQ.com! To help ALL our heroes prepare for the return of Frostval and the winter cold, this month's seasonal set features the Northern Wanderers - the Northern Wanderer and Fallen Wanderer armors. Un…
It is officially Black Friday here in the US... and that means our Dark Holiday 2020 collection and rares shop is now available! Log in at www.AQ.com to find our darkest gear of the year. Even more gear will arrive …
Murder Hornets. Zombie Cicadas. And Fire TORNADOS? Memet wasn't kidding. This really IS a harvest fest of nightmares. Just make sure YOU aren't on the menu! Log in now and join special guest Aurelio Vol…
SQUASH your enemies with the rare Pumpkin Paragon set! Available in your Featured Gear Shop for a limited time.
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package until January 6th! If you're excited about the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday item…
Join Aurelio Voltaire and Memet the Nightmare Moglin for first week of our three-part Harvest of Nightmares holiday event as we celebrate Friday the 13th and Harvest Fest! After a year of battling natural disasters and unnatural horrors, A…
Starting tonight and through December 4th, you'll be able to find the most elegant-but-evil Friday the 13th gear EVER in your game menu! Most of the gear will be available for AdventureCoins, but we've got gear for gold, as well, for all ou…